HDC Corruption Profile: Ahmed Faathih


Currently Ahmed Faathih is the Head of Department of Municipal Administration. Previously he was working in MTCC and later joined to HDC with the influence of Ex. MD of HDC Mr. Saiman without following due processes. He joined HDC as the Asst. Director of HR Department and got promoted to Director in about 3-month period. Immediately after joining HDC he started to force staffs to participate in PPM campaign activities, forcing the staffs to sign PPM membership forms and allowing the staffs to carry out campaign activities using office resources.

Immediately after loosing the local council election there were news that a new DMD would be appointed to HDC. Faathih who was a close ally of Saiman, was appointed as the Head of Municipal Administration just to fill all available Executive positions before new DMD arrives, just to keep the control in EXCOM so that Saiman can influence major projects to be allocated to parties where he gets the cuts.

However, he made deals with Bunyamin and betrayed Saiman, where he was planning to be the future DMD and Bunyamin as the MD of HDC. Some of the major corruptions that he got involved are;

  • Allocating HDC Flat No: 6-2-06 (3 Bedroom apartment) for him against the policy, direct order from Bunyamin. He then renovated the apartment and all expenses were borne by HDC to which approx. MVR 300,000/- had been spent. Furthermore, electricity, cable tv, internet, water, furniture’s, household items, and any such items were all funded and provided by HDC.
  • Faathih’s Grand wedding ceremony that was held in Phase 2, Farukolhufushi Event space where all expenses were borne by HDC. Staffs, vehicles and Vessels (Dhoni) was used for this wedding ceremony and the electrical panel board of that Event space was awarded to their close relative without following bidding process and many cuts they have received from it. This case reported to ACC, but through Bunyamin’s influence that didn’t go well.
  • Being the HOD of Municipal, he approves building usage permits, vehicle permits, trade permits and other such where he negotiated with the owner of Bombay Darbar demanding for over MVR 80,000/- and said would approve their permit which was against the current planning policy of HDC. He has had many such cases where he has abused his power and demanded cuts directly from the owners to approve such.
  • He has involved in every part of corruption Bunyamin has had in HDC. Faathih created fear among staffs and forced them to work on PPM jagaha activities and forced them to attend to party events saying if not attending then they will terminate the staff.
  • He has also risked over 7,000 peoples lives by making deals with the Chinese contractor where planned assessment of 1000 flats were scheduled. The aim of this assessment was to identify the stability of the building, as there were many structural issues/failures seen from those buildings and the stability of the building to withstand is in doubt.
  • Faathih has also gained many cuts through the events, especially the events that was arranged by Municipal or by Bunyamin’s order such as; Maahefun, Tharaaves, etc, that was open to public and all community related events. Also, he was the main man of Bunyamin in enforcing PYAG and Kadhuru Fathuma’s agenda like hithaanee camp (full event major expenses were from HDC cashflow), PPM events, etc.
  • Events organized by private parties need to attain certain permits in which also Faathih has had many cuts. One of the known are Ooredoo events that was held in Central Park.
  • He was accused of sexual harassment and a very known case happened in Hulhumale’ PPM campaign office where he was on suspension until the matter was cleared. However, due to some influence and his participation in the major corruption of Bunyamin, he was brought back. Also, there are accusation of him forcing the ladies working in Municipal department to sleep with him or else would be terminating them.
  • He also played main part in trying to rig the election and was the key player who used office facilities to print and forced staffs to sign the petition that was supposed to be submitted to court to annul the election.

It should be noted that he was doing all these with the help of Saiman and later on by Bunyamin’s power and order of him.